Everard Benjamin
- Born: 5 Jun 1807, Milford CT
- Marriage (1): Esther B. Merwin on 21 May 1833 in Orange CT
- Died: 20 Aug 1873
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1829-1864 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in New Haven CT as E. BENJAMIN & Co, taking over his father's shop at 98 Chapel Street. 3

- Alternate Mark for E. BENJAMIN & Co.
- C 1834: He was an early disciple of John Humphrey Noyes, founder of the Perfectionist utopia, The Onieda Community.

- Watch paper, c 1840
American Antiquarian Society
- Letter to Cornelius & Company in Philadelphia
Private Collection
New Haven June 5 1846 Mssr Cornelius & Co Gentlemen by sending my goods by first opportunity you will greatly oblidge your Obt Sert -- E Benjamin NB Please let me know whether Brown & Kirby of this city have had Lamps Etc of you E. B. |
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at New Haven CT, listed as a jeweler.

- Advertised in the Beckwith's Almanac (New Haven CT), 1857,
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at New Haven CT, listed as a jewelry merchant.
- Advertised in the Bangor Daily Whig and Courier (Bangor ME), 18 May 1861, as part of a group endorsement of the Waltham Watch Company.

- He was a partner circa 1865-1873 with George Hare Ford in New Haven CT as BENJAMIN & FORD. 4

- Advertised in the Yale Literary Magazine (New Haven CT), Jul 1868,

- Tradecard, c 1870
Private Collection

- Tradecard, c 1870
Private Collection

- Tradecard, c 1870
Private Collection

- Tradecard, c 1870
Private Collection

- Tradecard, c 1870
Private Collection
- He appeared on the 1870 census taken at New Haven CT, listed as a jeweler.
Everard married Esther B. Merwin, daughter of Unknown and Unknown, on 21 May 1833 in Orange CT. (Esther B. Merwin was born on 16 Feb 1811 in Orange CT and died on 13 Jun 1885.)