Gerrit Adamse Onckelbach
- Born: 16 Feb 1663, New York City NY
- Christened: 17 Apr 1670
- Marriage (1): Lysbeth Van Schaick on 10 Sep 1690 in New York
- Died: 1732, England
General notes:
Events in his life were:
- He worked in 1690-1713 as a silversmith in New York City NY 22

- Caudle cup, c 1690-1700
Yale University 20
h: 5 3/4"
d: 3 7/8" (base)
wt: 23 oz, 1 dwt
Engraved with Van Courtland arms. Probably made for Stephanus Van Courtland, who left it to his son, Stephen. A nearly identical cup by Cornelius van der Burch is believed to have been a christening gift to his first son Philip.
- Made freeman of New York City NY, 1698. 22

- Caudle cup, c 1700-1720
Museum of the City of New York 1
Engraved "MB" on the base for Maria Brockholst and on the inside with arms.
- Appointed in 1700-1703 as Assistant Alderman in New York City NY 3

- Tankard, 1700-1710
Metropolitan Museum of Art
h: 7 1/2"
d: 5 3/4"
wt: 38.8 oz
- 1703, New York City NY. 16 Fined for coining and passing counterfeit money. He was named "A Person of Evil fame and Rerputation and hath been Convicted of Coyning the Current Money of this Province and since hath also been Convicted of Champerty."
- New York City NY, 3 Mar 1712: in the name of God, Amen. The 3d day of March, 1712.
I, HANS KIERSTEDE [brother of Cornelis Kierstede], of the city of New York, Chirugeon, being in good health. All debts and funeral expenses are to be honestly paid and satisfied.
I leave to my son Hans, 5 shillings. All the rest, houses, lands; negroes and goods in what place or country so ever found, I leave to my kind and loving friend, Gerritt Onkelboght, of New York, Silversmith, and make him executor.
Marius Tiebout
Laurens Cornellisen
Arey Quackenbos

- Sauce pan with cover by Jesse Kip, Bef 1722
Private Collection
l: 10 1/2"
Engraved P over I C above a fleur-de-lys for Jean and Catherine (Carre) Pintard and L P over 1733 for Lewis Pintard.
- Ensko:, . 7 Left his tankard and tools to grandson Gerrit Van Gelder.
Gerrit married Lysbeth Van Schaick on 10 Sep 1690 in New York. (Lysbeth Van Schaick was born on 10 Dec 1671 in New York City NY and was christened on 10 Dec 1671 in New York.)