Charles Reeve
- Born: 28 Feb 1802, Newburgh NY
- Died: 15 Apr 1868, Newburgh NY
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He worked in 1825-1865 as a silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker in Newburgh NY
Listed in the 1864 city directory at 67 Water Street. 4
- He was a partner circa 1834-1840 with Daniel Gillis Leonard in Newburgh NY as C. REEVE & Co.
- Advertised in the Newburgh Telegraph (Newburgh NY), 15 May 1834,
Charles Reeves, Clock and Watch Maker, Silver Smith and Jeweller, having taken D. G. LEONARD into partnership, the business will in future be conducted under the firm of CHARLES REEVE & CO., at the old stand, where they will be happy to serve their friends and the public.
Particular attention to CLOCK and WATCH REPAIRING, No. 55 Water Street.
March 1, 1834
P. S. All persons indebted to Charles Reeves, are requested to make immediate payment, as he is desirous to settle his old business.
- He appeared on the 1850 census taken at Newburgh NY, listed as a jeweler.
- He appeared on the 1860 census taken at Newburgh NY, listed as a master jeweler.