Thomas Richards
- Born: Abt 1771
- Marriage (1): Mrs. Richards
- Died: Bef 18 Oct 1830, New York City NY
General notes:
Silversmith, jeweler, and watchmaker
Events in his life were:

- He was a partner in 1798-1802 with Daniel Van Voorhis in New York City NY first as VAN VOORHIS & SON, then VAN VOORHIS & RICHARDS. 4

- He was a partner in 1802-1814 with John Sayre in New York City NY as SAYRE & RICHARDS. 16
- Advertised in the New York Mercantile Advertiser (New York City NY), 23 Nov 1803, for SAYRE & RICHARDS:
Watches, Plate and Jewellery Sayre & Richards, No 240 Pearl-street, comer of Burling slip, have for sale, wholesale and retail, a large assortment of English watches, direct from the manufactures; alsoWatch and Clock makers tools, watch and clock materials, viz, best English main spring clock and watch dials, clock and watch pinions, plyers and cutting nippers, bench and pin vises, with a collection of the best Lancashire files from 2 to 12 inches long suitable for silver smiths and jewellers use. They manufacture silver tea setts of the newest and most approved patterns, and silverware in general; also, gold chains, seals, keys, and a variety of other jewellery. N. B. Clocks and watches of every description, repaired with care and punctuality.

- He was a partner in 1815 with John Foster in New York City NY as FOSTER & RICHARDS 4
- He worked in 1816-1825 as a silversmith and watchmaker in New York City NY with a shop at 240 Pearl Street. 4

- Receipt, 22 Nov 1824
Winterthur Library

- He was a partner in 1827-1830 with William M. Morrell in New York City NY as RICHARDS & MORRELL. 4
- Obituary printed in the The Evening Post (New York City NY) on 18 Oct 1830
Thomas married Mrs. Richards.